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Make the most of your Employer Branding Hub.

Your Employer Branding Hub includes unique, premium branding opportunities to reach job seekers on Glassdoor and Indeed. Manage your brand efficiently, and access robust insights & analytics to inform your strategy.


As sister companies, Glassdoor and Indeed have partnered to help you influence candidates throughout the entire job seeker journey.

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Your home base in the Employer Center.

Upon logging in to your Employer Center, you will see at least four cards to explore the features of your Employer Branding Hub, and each is a launching point for key actions.


The sidebar of icons on the left of your EC is another way you can navigate between each section without having to return to Home.


With the Employer Branding Hub, your tiles include:

  • Employer Profile: Update your company information displayed on your Glassdoor and Indeed profiles, and show candidates why they should work with you.

  • Reviews: View, respond to, and manage Glassdoor and Indeed employee reviews.

  • Analytics: Access and share analytics related to your reviews, profile, and job seeker engagement.

  • Employer Tools: Maximize your presence on Glassdoor with Badges and by becoming an OpenCompany.


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You will see the Glassdoor and Indeed logos in the corner of the cards where you have integrations for Indeed branding features.

If you have purchased Review Intelligence product with the Employer Branding Hub, you will see an additional card: Review Intelligence. Explore more resources for this product in our Help Center, Webinar program, or consult your Account Rep for additional questions. If you don't have a dedicated account rep, please email


Let's get started exploring the EC! First, we'll show you how to get logged in and walk through the set up of your account. Once you're logged into the Employer Center, explore guides by card.

Setting up your Employer Center Account.

Log in to your Employer Center.

Sign into your account associated with your employer on


Access your Employer Center (EC) by visiting your company’s Glassdoor profile, select the Admin tools menu, and click "Go to Employer Center. Or, select the "For Employers" button in the upper right of any Glassdoor page and click the "Go to EC" option.

sign in screen for employer center
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If you are experiencing issues when signing in, please email

Set up your email notifications.

Get notified via email when there has been activity (e.g., new reviews submitted) on your page.

Navigate to: Settings > Email Preferences > Company Alerts

You may adjust the frequency with which you would like to receive updates: as it happens, daily, or weekly.


Customize the notifications you will receive by toggling on/off content categories of interest or relevance to your role in the Glassdoor EC. Choose from options like new content from users added to the profile, or notifications when it's time to update your company's branded profile content.

manage email preferences

Invite co-workers to login.

Navigate to Settings > Manage Users in the Employer Center to grant access to colleagues. We have various access levels available for your coworkers.


Access Level Options:

  • Administrator: Access to all features including managing the users.

  • Local Administrator: Administrator level access to only certain country profiles. Can manage content and users only for those country profiles.

  • Analytics Only: View-only access to all analytics.

  • Content Manager: Access to all features, but cannot manage users (e.g., add/remove users, change user permissions).

manage user access

Adjust your language preferences.

When you create your Glassdoor account, your language preference will be set automatically based on the country site you logged into. However, you are welcome to change your language preference if you prefer support in a different language.


Navigate to Settings > Language Preferences to adjust your language in the Employer Center.



Link your Indeed Account.

With the Employer Branding Hub, you unlock access to manage your Indeed CMPP branding, and view insights all from the Employer Center.


Upon logging in, you will be prompted to link an Indeed Company Page Premium (CMPP) to a Glassdoor Enhanced Profile (EP). If you've exited out of the prompt previously, you may select "Link Indeed Account" from the drop down menu in the upper right of the Employer Center (A).


Once you have claimed your company's Indeed CMPP, you can link your accounts. To import data from one Indeed CMPP profile to a Glassdoor EP:

  1.  Authenticate your connection in the Employer Center by entering your Indeed credentials.

  2.  Confirm which Indeed Company Page should be connected to your Glassdoor Enhanced Profile (B).

  3.  Our team will then verify that the Indeed Company Page you’ve selected matches your Glassdoor EP within 24 - 48 hours.

menu in employer center to locate action of linking an indeed account


indeed account linking process


Common FAQ support:


An Indeed account may only be linked to one Glassdoor account. If an Indeed account has already been linked to a Glassdoor account, then you will need to create a new individual Indeed account. Multi-user emails are not permitted to use for account logins (e.g.


You may see a pop up stating account verification is needed, with a prompt to enter your email address, if you need additional permissions on Indeed. In order to link company profiles and make changes to your Indeed profile, you must be set up with Administrative access on your Indeed account.

For any issues with account linking, please email

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