Glassdoor Employer Tools
Maximize your presence on Glassdoor with Badges and Open Company status.
Glassdoor Badges
Promote your Glassdoor profile on your career website, recruiting blog or social media channels with a Glassdoor badge to drive candidates to your profile.
You can select a design, size and language, and we’ll provide the code snippet you need!
To add a Glassdoor Badge to your website, navigate via
the Employer Center to the Employer Tools tile, select Badges:
Select a Badge style you prefer.
Select the Language and Size. Your selected options will appear in the Badge Preview area.
Select the Country by choosing the Country/Domain you prefer job seekers to be directed to when clicking on your badge.
Copy the HTML code that populates, and place it on your company's website where you would like the badge to appear.
Confirm Badge Placement by entering the URL from the page on your company's website where you display a Glassdoor badge. The URL will be validated and indicate that the URL is accepted as valid.
Save changes!
Open Company
Open Company status is designed to recognize companies that embrace transparency. The five steps to get your OpenCompany badge are to verify your company details, add photos, acquire reviews, respond to reviews, and promote your profile with a Glassdoor Badge (described above).
Once completed, the Open Company status badge will appear on your company profile, below your cover image (pictured to the right).
Learn more about the detailed requirements in your Employer Center, under the Employer Tools tile.
Grow Your Vision
Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction.
Double click to edit and add your own text.