Employer Profile Analytics
Choose from five available reports to explore insights related to engagement with your Glassdoor and Indeed profiles. These reports capture data and insights on profile visitors and followers of your company.
Employer Profile Activity
The Employer Profile Activity report displays analytics related to the number of Page Views to your Glassdoor and Indeed profiles. You may toggle between Glassdoor and Indeed at the top.
Filters to this report appear in the upper right, where you can adjust the time period and country profile.
You may also add up to two competitors at once to compare your page views to other companies.
Page Views can fluctuate. Changes month over month can occur for many reasons, such as hiring seasonality, or if you are not actively engaging with your Glassdoor profile.
You may also see changes if you are experiencing an increase or decrease in reviews left for your company, or due to outside factors such as mentions on other social media platforms or physical advertising efforts.
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Tip: To help improve your page views, here are some things you may want to try.
Post content frequently to alert your followers to the new activity through your Company Updates section.
Post jobs on Indeed to increase traffic to your jobs pages.
Ensure all of your Competitor Profiles are filled out for additional brand reach across other Glassdoor profiles.
Embed social media channels and videos to your Glassdoor profile.
Add a Glassdoor badge from your Employer Center on your careers page and redirect job seekers to your Glassdoor profile.
Be included in one of our Glassdoor articles or Glassdoor Awards
Send out a Request More Reviews email or link.
Candidate Demographics
Candidate Demographics gives insight into who is looking at your company's Glassdoor profile — we even provide the ability to compare against other companies.
The demographic breakdown is always reflective of the last full three months time period. For example, if you visit this report in the middle of June, you'll see data for the previous March, April, and May. You may filter this chart in the upper right by country profile.
You may also add up to two competitors at once to compare your data to other companies.
Our current demographic data represents Years of Experience, Gender, Education, and Age.
Export availability: Option to print report.​
Company Update Analytics
Company Update Analytics captures job seeker engagement with Glassdoor Company Updates. View metrics that summarize performance of posts over time, including impressions, clicks, likes, and engagement rates.
You may filter this chart in the upper right by time period and country domain.
Scroll down the page to see reporting for Targeted Company Updates and individual Company Updates.
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Follower Demographics
Follower Demographics shares the job function and locations of your company's followers on Glassdoor. View a breakdown by education level, years of experience, gender, and age range.
Filter demographic data by country in the upper right hand corner.
You may post Targeted Company Updates on Glassdoor to these groups, or tailor content to share with all followers based on where you have a large audience. Analytics for Targeted Company Updates are available in the Analytics > Company Updates section of the Employer Center.
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Follower Engagement
Glassdoor's Follower Engagement shares how your company's follower base is engaging with your company's content, as well as how your follower count is growing. You may compare your data to any other company (three at once).
View Glassdoor's metrics:​
Total Followers
New followers
Follower Email CTR (Click-Through-Rate)
Job Clicks
Apply Starts
Filter data in the top right by country and date range.
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